Three-Eyed Calf Dubbed Incarnation of Hindu God

Three-Eyed Calf Dubbed Incarnation of Hindu God

CHENNAI, India, Sept. 17 (UPI) —
A calf born in India with a third eye in the middle of its forehead is being hailed as an incarnation of the Hindu god Shiva.

The owner of the animal, a Tamil Nadu state resident identified as Meghala, said the “miracle calf” born two weeks ago is an incarnation of Lord Shiva sent to the village to bring good luck.

Shiva, one of the primary gods in the Hindu religion, is known as the “destroyer” and bears a third eye on his forehead that opens when he gets angry to bring flames of destruction.

Hindu children have been visiting the calf to touch its head for good luck and a blessing from Shiva.


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