Joe Barton

6 Texas Republican Reps Join with Dems in Approving Debt Ceiling Increase

Six Texas Republican representatives joined with the eleven Democrats in the state’s congressional delegation to vote in favor of the bill to raise the debt ceiling. Nineteen Texas Republicans voted nay in attempting to block the measure. On a national level, 79 Republicans joined with the 187 Democrat members of the House to pass the measure back to the Senate.

debt ceiling

House Committee Expands Planned Parenthood Probe

Though the House is officially in recess, committee chairman Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee chairman Joe Pitts (R-PA), committee vice chairman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and committee chairman emeritus Joe Barton (R-TX) signed letters to Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, StemExpress, Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. (ABR), and Novogenix Laboratories. A news release posted on the committee’s website states the request for further information “build[s] on the committee’s investigation into the shocking Planned Parenthood videos released in recent weeks.”

planned parenthood

Oil and Gas Exports—One Policy Change, Many Benefits

“Businesses that sell to foreign markets put more people to work in high-quality jobs, offering more Americans the chance to earn a decent wage,” claimed the Obama administration’s Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker in a March 18 Wall Street Journal

California Oil Refinery (Paul Sakuma : Associated Press)

Iowa Democrat Compares Obamacare to Wizard of Oz

On Wednesday at a House hearing on the malfunctioning website, Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) invoked The Wizard of Oz when he told Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius that she was not in Kansas anymore.  “There is a

Iowa Democrat Compares Obamacare to Wizard of Oz

Hidden in ObamaCare Site: Applicants Surrender Right to Privacy

During Thursday’s congressional hearing with the contractors responsible for building the troubled ObamaCare federal exchanges, we learned that whether you end up enrolling in ObamaCare or not, no one who puts any information into the ObamaCare website can expect to

Hidden in ObamaCare Site: Applicants Surrender Right to Privacy

Conservatives Hold Firm, Defeat Boehner's 'Plan B'

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) told members of his own conference on Thursday night that there were not enough votes among the party that would support passage of Boehner’s tax proposal known as “Plan B.”   Boehner’s office

Conservatives Hold Firm, Defeat Boehner's 'Plan B'

Congressmen Want FTC Probe of Facebook

From Politico: Lawmakers are asking the FTC to investigate Facebook following reports that the social network has been collecting data even from users logged out of their profiles. The concerns from Capitol Hill came Wednesday in a letter by Reps.

Barton: Republican Congress Would Kill `Obamacare'

U.S. Representative Joe Barton, a Texas Republican, talks about the outlook for the U.S. midterm elections and the prospects for a transfer of power in the House of Representatives. Barton says a Republican-controlled House would repeal President Obama’s health-care overhaul

Saturday Open Thread: Shakedown Edition

A few days ago, Texas Rep. Joe Barton, ranking member on the House Energy and Commerce Commitee “apologized” to BP for the pressure the Obama Administration put on the company to fund an escrow account to compensate victims of the

House GOP to Obama: Drop Net Neutrality Agenda

Top Republican lawmakers last week sent President Barack Obama a letter protesting the Federal Communications Commission’s recent overture at adopting so-called net neutrality rules, asking that he block the agency’s controversial move to reclassify broadband. House GOP leaders John Boehner

Waxman Cancels Healthcare Show Trial

Health insurance company CEOs will apparently be spared the public thrashing planned for April 21 by House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Hollywood). Waxman notified committee members of the cancellation in a memo released Wednesday. The memo implies